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Wednesday 9 February 2011

Hello, and Goodbye

I am now blogging form school, its very interesting. We have a free period because apperently everyone left class, we have a stupid vacation tommorow.
This blog is not working out for me, I dont want to blog anymore. This is too not private. I am going to go back to the traditional ways of Writing a Journal, or a book. You wouldn't care. But anyways,
Bye, Bye Blogg.

Saturday 5 February 2011

I wont blog today :)

I Am suffering from a major headache. So I Dont reallt feel like writing today :)
But what the hell. You'll need to see this Video.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Falling in love with a City

Have you ever had this feeling like no other to only one city, I have. This feeling has been haunting me for years, and it is my love to the city of Beirut. Sometimes I ask myself why is it so that im in love with a thing that wont give me love back? But then I remember that beirut has always given me love. Each time I dwell between the streets of this amazing city I feel enlightened, I look around and I find that the buildings are smiling back at me. I look back to the history of such  a great city and how it has risen from the last demolition of all the buildings in the 1980's Lebanese Civil War. You can still see some buildings with the bullets penetrating their walls, but they still look so good. In the midst of all the deforestation Lebanon is going through we can still see Beirut reserving its natural beauty, and most commonly in the greenest spot " AUB. " The heritage is still preserved through the architecture of the buildings in the Downtown Areas. The "Corniche" and the " Rawshe " the beach side walk and the two rocks at sea, both create such an amazing sight for relaxation. It has survived such great obstacles that no other city has, and I think it deserves more than our respect. It deserves our love.
-I Love Beirut.
                                          AUB Campus, " Inshalla my Future College "

Wednesday 2 February 2011

I Am A Green Man

Hellow everyone,
Today i decided to share my thoughts with my laptop, or what i love to call my baby.
I feed it information, it gives me back puke.
Not many people have been visiting my blog and i hate it !  I want to share ideas, i want to be given advice, i need some BlogLove.
So here is what is always on  my mind people, anyone.
 So we might as well all know about the problems our mother earth faces these days. Global warming is one of them. Personally i think these stupid scietntists creep me off. So they said that the Middle Eastern Region will be impossible to live in, in the next 50 years. BUT what I seem to percieve, living in Saudi Arabia, that its certainly not getting any hotter in here. Are those stupid scientists playing around again? or are they just trying to make me go wako and move to the US, where they claim is possibly " SAFE ", one word we want to hear all day. No i wont fall for your tricks Mr. Smartass scientist, i'm smart enough to interpret that this year in Jeddah the main port city of  Saudi Arabia more than 300 mm of rain has fallen,more than any other year in the history of this city. I Am not stupid OKAY
Climate change is happening yes i agree, but it doesnt look that good for any other country than Saudi Arabia.
If you drive down the road to Mecca these days you find that the once only rock like mountains are turning green. YES, Green in the desert, the famous Saudi Arabia is changing from a desert into a grassland. The rain is perfectly enough to help in the growth of mosses and ferns, this is a process of secondary succession and it is widely evident even in my city.  The Humid and hot climate has disappeared, there have been nights passing by that I slept with no AC on, YES no AC.

 This wake up call is for eveyone, dont be fooled by whatever kind of information you are fed in any kind of media.
Be Smart enough to figuire out what is really happening, and remmember it is only god can read the future. You are only human pffttt PERSON.
                           The new Jeddah Gate Plan, i Hope it |Will Be as Green As it looks here|

- Riad Al Soufi ( The Green Man )

Tuesday 1 February 2011

I am officailly turning crazy :)

i am going insane people :)
help help help
its all because of someone in my life
 i really can't say too private
anyways yes yes i am going crazy today i decided i want to change my whole personality i want to become a lame perosn that always studys and does nothing in his life but read and blog.
I am so tiered of being with people i want to start living alone, this life is devastating me and too many freinds equals too many troubles too many people depending on me etc... u name it
Part 2
( the person tlaked about her is nothing related to the one above )
I really wanna know if she loves me i cant stop thinking about her, she excites everycell in my body , every converstaion we have affects me in a way.
we are attatched were a strong bond we make one person, i remmember the days we used to be together. oh god how happy we were.
We jsut didnt know what to do we were kids, our minds coulodnt percieve the world in the ways we percieve it now .
thats why we need to come together we need to rejoice we much lov each other we have no other choice.
Baby we were born this HEY , Baby we were born this Way <3
check out the lyrics for -Born This Way by Lady Gaga
on my Facebook Profile

Monday 27 December 2010

Back To SAT

Even thought i got a 1960 on my SAT. which is an amazing mark for a 15 year old who takes the SAT for the first time , and it would suffice to get me early admission at AUB ( American University in Beirut ) , this score is 40 points away from my high aspiration of getting a 2000 :/
My pricipal and my parents expect more from me, everyone does !
I always feel like i am watched and every move i make is calculated and talked about, gossiped about.
its just too frustrating to know that sometimes in some cases you can't be who you really are because it is too provocative or it is not what ure expected to do....
Tommorow is always a better day , so Im back to SAT practice, thanks to my luck i still haven't forogtten anything I took from the begining of this school year. Inshallah its gonna be even easier than the first time, and my grade is going to be higher than the first time.
Cheers to high aspirations, We are who we Are !

Thursday 16 December 2010

The Pursuit to Nonconformity

     I have always believed that “I am the master of my soul”. I control what I want to become, my personality is my real emotions depicted in a beautiful way. I have found difficulties to conform to the prevailing attitudes and styles of my peers; well because I don’t want to conform, I want to shape my own attitude and My own style. I act as a nonconformist everyday life just keeps getting better for me.
         Each day passes by and I keep on learning g, those lessons help me change myself in a way. I always strive for perfection; knowing it doesn’t exist. But there was this one day where I tried to be as everyone else, one lesson I learned that day, DON’T. Everyone in school was so interested in this new show “Yogi Yo”, so I went home and watched it. The next day was a nightmare, I saw myself engage in conversations I would never have! I felt just like any other tree in the “Jungle”. I felt like a-normal person, so dull and unattractive, despair was my title. All the students were talking about the same subject, everyone was asking the same questions and I was part of the Conformity.
          From that day onward I thank god for making me realize how to become my own self I don’t want to be what other people want me to become, not what every program producer, songwriter, etc imagines his audience would be after viewing the media he has produced. I don’t want to lead this world into an age of equality, conformity, and unliveliness. If the is no variety in a certain society it would become meaningless; same old personalities, same old people, same old conversations!
           One lesson I learned from that day was that I should be proud of who I am, I shouldn’t wish to become a conformist! I must shape my own personality; since then I have been utterly refusing to be a stereotype, and I always will. I hope this message would be a wakeup call to all of you who wish to become normal; you are leading our world into an era of downright dull societies.    
- Riad Al-Soufi